Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Vennskap Lodge 5-622 is a Sons of Norway Lodge in SE Wisconsin. Our approximately 75 members meet monthly and invite all people of Scandinavian heritage or interest to join us. Our members come from the northern area of SE Wisconsin ranging from Valders, Two Rivers, and Manitowoc down to the southern reaches of Fredonia, and Port Washington. Vennskap is Norwegian for Friendship and our friendly group welcomes you! Meetings are held in Manitowoc one month, while the next monthly meeting is scheduled for Sheboygan. We strive to keep our business meetings short and our social activities the "reason for the meeting". Various speakers are invited to share their experiences travelling in Scandinavian tours, or specialty dancers perform, we share our interests, and every meeting concludes with Scandinavian delicacies. We have fun! Join us. Contact me, dellsolberg@hotmail.com for information. Ask for the Vennskap News, our monthly newsletter. Tusen Takk..Dell Solberg Vennskap News editor