"So, is it cold enough for ya?"...
Everyone talks about the weather, and December has been in the news as a tough month. Wisconsin has experienced some nasty wind-chills. So, how cold is over there, in Norway?
Oslo. Norway’s capital city has not registered a December month as cold as this one in 110 years. So far, the "mean temperature" for the month is 9.2 degrees Celsius.
And there are several even colder days left to bring it even lower, if we are to believe the forecasts.
The former Oslo "record" is minus 9 degrees, from 1981.
Now, we, here in the USA measure our temperatures in Fahrenheit degrees, while overseas, the thermometer is in Celcius...
Math problem to solve....To convert Celcius to Fahrenheit requires a bit of math.
1.Take the temperature in Celcius and multiply by 1.8
2. Add 32 degrees
3. The result is temperature readings in our familiar Farenheit.
So, how cold is it?! ( A hint: -12 degrees C is 10 degrees F.)
This year, all Norwegians enjoyed a "White Christmas" it seems. Southern Norway is in the grip of a cold-spell, with temperatures from around minus 10 degrees, down to minus 30 degrees Celcius at the inland city of Røros. On the West Coast it is also cold, around minus 5.
And contrary to what one would believe, it is mildest in the North, with coastal temperatures barely below freezing in places, and snow flurries.
I thought it would be colder than that! You, too?
By the way, that -30 degrees Celcius is -22F for us..That's cold enough! Spring will be coming soon.