Now that the holidays are over, it's time for a new start. Carolyn Johnson found a road that looks interesting. The Atlantic Road ( Atlanterhavsveien, in Norwegian) is a spectacular road that sports an eight mile bridge. This bridge links the coast of mainland Norway and jumps from island to island to reach Averøy.

This road is considered the second most visited tourist attraction in Norway. Construction began in 1983, continuing through twelve hurricane stormy seasons. The main attraction is the Storseisundet Bridge, a twisting structure of 853 feet in length.

If you wish to take a ride, google "Atlantic Road Norway youtube". You might turn your speakers down during your ride. I suggest clicking on Atlantic Road, Norway, a 2:56 minute classical music tour. Then for a wilder ride, try "Autocam..atlanterhavseien"..1:40 minutes. Loud, short and fast!
Enjoy your trip. Happy New Year!
this is cool. I'll have to check out the video. Cathy~