How much???

Okay, you have all summer to spend in Norway and you are looking for the cheapiest vacation you can. Everyone has heard that Norway is very expensive, and chances are, you are booked for at least TWO of the most expensive cities, ever! Even lunch in New York will be cheap..New York isn't in the top fifteen!

You'll be sure to visit Oslo. Oslo has been known to be one of the world's most expensive cities. The cost of a "light lunch" is going to cost the equivalent of $45.00 USD. (That's right behind Japan's Tokyo and three other Japanese cities.)
These rankings have been compiled from the international human resources organization called ECA ( Employement Conditions Aboard) for Bloomberg Business Week. This report is based on the cost of local goods and services in various cities.

Four of other "most expensive cities in the world" are in Switzerland, which, like Norway, refuses to join the European Union. Norway, Switzerland and Japan are known to have protectionist policies to keep out lower-priced imports, especially in the food department!
One more Scandinavian city makes it onto the list......

Copenhagen...Number 12
------------I believe they take credit cards..Enjoy your summer.---------
I would LOVE to stroll down that street in Stavanger! What a beautiful place. And I would pay the money to lunch in Copenhagen, if I ever get the chance.
Take your billlfold along!I'll carry your luggage!! CS