The moose is a herbivore, consuming many types of plants and fruits. The average adult moose needs to consume 9770 calories every day to maintain its bodyweight. Some of these calories are found eating tree shoots such as willow and birch. Occasionally, a lucky moose will find an apple tree for a meal.
It was a dark and stormy night when Per Johannson returned from work to his home in Saro, just south of Gothenburg, Sweden. Per said" It was raining really bad. In the wind, I heard something screaming" in his interview with CNN. He thought it was the neighbors, but hearing it again, he checked and found something really big up in a tree in the neighbor's yard..It was a moose in the tree! He said " It must have been drunk after eating fermented apples ,and as it was reaching for more fruit, it must have slipped and fallen into the tree."

This inebriated animal had tried to grab an apple from a high branch, but its legs gave way and it got stuck! Cops say these animals often end up drunk after eating rotting fruit. Rescuers eventually freed the huge creature into the Swedish woods--and it lay down on the grass to sleep it off.
On a personal note, every fall, robins gather in flocks to feast on our neighbor's fermenting-berry tree. They seem to gather the fermented fruit and fly over to my tree ( where my car is parked underneath!)..After they devour their meal, they fly away for more..after leaving their bird-droppings upon my car! I have always fumed at this action, but now give thanks that they are not moose!.
Ha! I read about this moose last week in an article. Can’t imagine finding that in my yard or better yet...my tree! You need to park your car somewhere else during that bird-feeding frenzy.