---------This is an earlier photo of the Norwegian Royal couple---------
After a trip down to Iowa, King Harald V and Queen Sonja of Norway are back in Minnesota for a few days, visiting the Mayo Clinic and several college campuses.

The king and queen are renewing their country's ties with the American descendants of Norwegian immigrants. In his appearance at Luther College on Thursday in Decorah, King Harald said the immigrants took pieces of Norway with them and that "nowhere is that more obvious than in Decorah,” where Norwegian immigrants founded the college. Friday, they had planned stops at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester and St. Olaf College in Northfield. The weekend is rounded out with stops at Augsburg College in Minneapolis and the governor’s mansion in St. Paul. Monday, the king and queen head to Duluth, then off to New York before returning to Norway.
Curious as to why they’re going to Duluth?