Saturday, August 1, 2015

Norway Attacked

30,000 Russian troops invaded Scandinavian Soil March, 2015. A unit of Soviet troops landed on the Swedish Island of Gorland. 

Russian soldiers advance
Hovercraft bringing Russian troops ashore.
Other Russian invaders  came ashore on the Aland Island of Finland, others  at the Danish Island of Borholm while the main force attacked the northern area of Norway. The invasion was to prevent the Baltic area from becoming controlled by NATO forces whose aim is to re-enforce forces who depend on Allied aid in time of conflict. 

And it never even made the news!

Russia has been unhappy with the sanctions imposed upon the Soviet country due to their actions in The Ukraine.Russia always has had interest in the Baltic Sea area. It provides a link between St. Petersburg and Kalinigarad among other issues of interest. One of which this the fact that the Russian navy frequently uses the Baltic Sea for sea trials of new submarines and other military vessels.
The Baltic Sea is important to Russia.

Or it may have been to send a message to Scandinavian countries that Russia is a formidable foe in any conflict. Sweden has always maintained neutrality in times of war and Russian officials have warned Denmark that Danish ships will become Russian targets if Denmark joins the  NATO missile defense system.

Whatever..The reason the event never made the news was that: 

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Russian soldiers in Maneuvers.
While Russian troops DID  leave their invasion ships with combat gear, there was no "real Invasion"..Only a dress-rehearsal to be ready for "The Real Thing" and to send a soviet message to everyone.
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Or, the Russian military action may have been in response to:
Armed forces of  Seventeen NATO Force countries steaming into the Baltic Sea area.
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An Allied landing at Ustka, Poland was taking place as a part of a two-week NATO exercise called "BALTOPS", short for
NATO ships steam to The Baltic Sea.
"Baltic Operations". Forty-nine naval vessels from 17 countries and 5,900 personnel were involved in this major show of  strength.. Allied countries are aware that it would be difficult to quickly respond to a swift Soviet attack in the Baltic area. The response: BALTOPS , an annually  reoccurring exercise, currently in its 43rd year.
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Swedish aircraft patrol overhead.
Swedish Air Force  fighters flew over the amphibious assault  maneuver.
Marines  from Finland and Sweden  conducted landings in Sweden and Poland.

With personnel and equipment of 17 countries, this year's exercise  was one of several demonstrations of Allied Force strength that are available and ready to answer any opposing military action. Rehearsals and preparations  for war are not unusual.
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The Russian president has recently announced plans to buy 40 intercontinental ballistic missiles this year. The US, two years after pulling all its armour out of Europe, is preparing to send 250 tanks, armored vehicles and artillery to bases in Eastern European international waters. Norway and Russia are heatedly 'discussing' ownership of Northern Territory and tensions have not eased.
 But a rehearsal for war?
US amphibian vehicles readying to board ships for the return home.

1 comment:

  1. Well this would have been scary if you were over there for a visit or vacationing. Wow! Glad it was only a rehearsal.
